AELO Book Club: Tony's pick for February 2024
So, to keep you in the loop in case you wanted to join us in the AELO Book Club, the read for this month has finally been picked. Yeah, I know it's way too late into February but we can at least be happy that Tony has made up his mind and chose something.
Tony's pick for this month is:
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
A narration of a summer motorcycle trip undertaken by a father and his son, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance becomes a personal and philosophical odyssey into fundamental questions on how to live. The narrator's relationship with his son leads to a powerful self-reckoning; the craft of motorcycle maintenance leads to an austerely beautiful process for reconciling science, religion, and humanism. Resonant with the confusions of existence, this classic is a touching and transcendent book of life.
GET YOUR COPYIf you don't like it, please find your nearest Tony and voice your discomfort with him. If you like it, you have less than two weeks to finish it. GO. READ. IT. NOW.
See you on the other side.