Goals for 2025

Here's the list of shit I will for sure fail to do this year

Goals for 2025

With passing of time, I think you end up in one of two areas of humanity:

  1. You become pessimist. You call yourself a realist but, are you really? No, take a couple of seconds and really, really, think about it. Yeah, I didn't think so.
  2. You become an optimist. And people hate you. Because, who the fuck do you think you are to keep intact your hopes and dreams and rub it in other people's face?

So, either way, you're basically screwed. Now, I say this with utmost respect. You may not know this, but accepting that kind of shit is not easy if you're young. Then, again, if you can accept either, you are old or traumatized or both. Hell yeah, a toast for the broken ones. All of was an introduction to the topic at hand, but honestly, I just wanted to sink you guys with me because I'm a pessimist but now you're not better than me. See how this works? I just leveled the field with two numbered points.

Today we're going to talk about goals. More specifically, my goals for 2025. I only have two of them and they're not really life changing, but I want to really try my best to accomplish them instead of half heartily stretch myself too thin between 5 goals I remember and 5 others I don't.

Read more books... or e-books

Can you really call them books if they are digital? The simple answer is a resounding no. Topic for another post, maybe. Either way, I want to read more book publications this year.

The goal is simple: 12 books, 1 per month –if possible. Of course, I won't be mad if I end up reading more than that. Another thing: it has to be a book. No manga, webtoon, animated novel or stuff with drawings. I may consider light novels if they're lengthy enough.

Recording my first song

This is not an easy one. You can think of it as a nice to have in my scope, but I really, really, really, want to make it happen. Tough one, though, because I'm missing most of the equipment to do it. I don't have an interface, drums, bass, amplifiers, mics, the software or the capacity to sing or write. Little details my friends, little details.

Well, that's me, but what about you? Are you a pessimist or an optimist? What are your goals for this year? You can reach me out @scaarg in most social networks.

Until the next one!